Board of Governors
RWCNS is organized as a 501c3 non-profit with a governing board. The Board of Governors is responsible for overall policy, direction, and physical and financial well-being of the Cooperative.
The Board of Governors is comprised of members of the cooperative and community at-large members. Our board members have a variety of different backgrounds and skills and include parents, grandparents, alumni parents, former teachers, and community members at large. New members are recruited each year, and we encourage anyone interested in serving on our board to let us know. If you have questions for the board or are interested in serving, please reach out to our Board Cooperative Liaison, Lauren Gubbins.
Board Members
Thank you to our generous sponsors, whose financial support funds scholarships, facilities improvements, and continuing education for teachers.
Ruth Washburn Cooperative Nursery School provides quality preschool programs for children ages two-and-a-half to five years old.
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